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Review of China's Welded Pipe Price Trend in 2021

Views: 222     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-09-20      Origin: Site

Since the beginning of January, the starting point of welded pipes has been at the high level of the same period in recent years. In the first quarter of this year, the price of welded pipes began to rise continuously under the environment of double monetary and fiscal easing in various countries, as well as the obvious effect of domestic epidemic prevention and control, and the easing of the international epidemic situation. In mid-March Around, the price of welded pipe has reached a high level in the past 10 years.

In the second quarter, when the price of strip steel continued to rise and the iron ore futures rose together, the average price of welded pipes reached a new high of 6,710 yuan/ton in the past 10 years on May 13, a year-on-year increase of 2,780 yuan/ton, and then the price of welded pipes began to rise. The decline began in early June, and the price began to stabilize.

In the third quarter, with the in-depth progress of the "look back" work on reducing production capacity, the "dual control" policy of energy consumption was frequently introduced. In the case of weak supply and demand, the price of welded pipes began to stabilize. As the beginning of the fourth quarter, in mid-October, the state began to increase control over the coal and coke market, and the prices of other varieties began to return to a reasonable range, and the price of welded pipes fell accordingly. By November 5, the national average price of welded pipes was 5868 Yuan/ton, down 265 yuan/ton month-on-month, up 1596 yuan/ton year-on-year, and the average price is still at a high level in recent years.

Analysis of the status quo of the welded pipe industry

At present, the process, technology and equipment of my country's steel pipe industry have reached the world-class level, laying a solid foundation for the healthy development of the industry. The main producers of welded steel pipes in the world are China, the United States, Canada, the European Union, India, Argentina, Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Russia and other countries and regions, and the total output of welded steel pipes accounts for about 90% of the global output. The world's leading producers of welded steel pipes are still the traditional economically developed countries and regions, such as the United States, the European Union, Canada and Japan, which have obvious technical advantages. host. In recent years, with the vigorous development of the economy, the welded steel pipe manufacturing industry represented by China, India, Turkey and other countries has developed rapidly. In addition to occupying most of the international medium and low-end welded steel pipe market, the high-end welded products produced have an increasing share in the international market.

The welded pipe industry belongs to the steel industry and has the influence of bulk commodities, but it is not completely synchronized with the steel industry, and sometimes has a negative correlation. In addition, this industry has low thresholds, high management barriers, and high brand barriers, but it has low profit margins and high turnover rates. At present, the production capacity of welded pipes is structurally excessive, and the market is flooded with shoddy and substandard products, the industry and scientific research investment is insufficient, the independent innovation ability is not strong, the overall intelligence level of the industry is low, and it faces environmental resource constraints. Under the background of macro-control of real estate and carbon peaks, Mr. Jiang believes that the trend of industry concentration cannot be stopped, and the integrated development of upstream and downstream supply chains will tend to be stable and solidified. The result of excessive competition in the industry is that quality is king, and traders tend to Large-scale chain, providing processing and distribution and financial functions are moving closer.

According to the report "2022-2027 China Welded Pipe Industry Market Prospective Analysis and Future Investment Strategy Report" analysis

The equipment level of high-frequency electric resistance welded pipes in my country has been greatly improved, and the large and medium diameter production lines have basically reached the international advanced level. It has been greatly improved, and the performance of some welds can be comparable to that of the base metal. The P111 casing has been developed, and the X60 high-frequency electric resistance welded pipe conveying pipe has been applied in the submarine pipeline. The localization of high-frequency welded pipe equipment has made great progress. The informatization and systematic construction of the high-frequency welded pipe production line is progressing smoothly. Some companies have established complete process systems and are working well, however, we should see that there is still a large number of units under construction and ready to be put into use due to the increasingly saturated market.





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